
Robert Eisenman’s “New Testament Code” What is the connection between the two messiah-centered movements that arose in the first century; the one focused on a military messiah who would liberate the Jewish nation from the oppression it suffered at the hands of the Romans; the other focused on a spiritual messiah who would liberate all humanity from the burden of its sins? Both had profound impacts. The militant opposition to Roman rule ultimately exploded into the largest national liberation struggle of the ancient world, the Jewish War (66-70 C.E.) and continued to reverberate with major and minor uprisings until the Bar Kochba uprising (132-135 C.E.) when the Jews were permanently expelled from their homeland. The spiritual movement, Christianity, gained control of the whole western world, and more recently, with the West’s expansion, much of the rest of the world as well. There are really only two possible answers. The first is that the spiritual movement drew lessons and inspirati...
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